2 large eggs
125ml Cake flour
125ml Water
60g Butter
115g granadilla pulp
60ml icing sugar
250ml fresh cream
Preheat oven to 200’c and prepare baking tray
Makes a dozen
In a saucepan melt butter in water and allow boiling. Sift flour in and stir with a wooden spoon until a ball forms in the middle of the pot. Leave to cool a bit and add eggs and mix until mixture is smooth. Pipe onto tray and bake for 15minutes or until puffed and light brown. Cut a slit in the éclairs and place back in the oven to dry out.
Filling: Beat cream until still adding sugar and granadilla pulp, spoon into éclairs and dust with icing sugar.
Variation: Fill with whipped cream and chocolate icing: 50g chocolate melted 15ml butter and 375ml icing sugar.