About Me

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johannesburg, guateng , South Africa
Where to begin? I love to cook bake, entertain I bake for FUN.

Mickey-G's Costumes

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MickeyG's Costumes

Food Health Tips

"Broccoli provides calcium, iron, magnesium, beta-carotene, vitamin C,  and many other components including indoles, phytochemicals and sulphurophane, which are all linked in the prevention of cancer."

"Beans and Lentils and chickpeas should always be on your shopping list.  They provide protein and are an excellent source of fibre, therefore good for your digestion.  They can be added to meals to reduce the amount of meat, add flavour and texture."

"Did you know that tomatos are an excellent source of lycopene, and anti-oxidant which helps reducing the risk of heart diseases and various cancers?"